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EOHCB National

In the realm of workplace safety and compensation, the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) plays a pivotal role. Ensuring the proper handling of occupational injuries is crucial for both employers and employees to guarantee timely medical care and compensation. In our previous articles, we've delved into various aspects of COIDA, including what it entails, who needs to register, and the responsibilities of both parties involved.

This article focuses on the detailed sequence of events that must occur when an occupational injury takes place, outlining the necessary steps and the forms that need to be completed to ensure compliance with COIDA regulations.

Sequence of Events for Occupational Injury

1.     Notification of Injury: 

The employee must notify the employer of the injury either in writing or verbally as soon as possible.


2.     Employer's Initial Response:

The employer, upon becoming aware of the injury, must complete "Part A" of the WCl2 form.

"Part B" of the WCl2 form should be handed to the emergency services personnel.


3.     Medical Examination:

The employee must undergo a medical examination to assess the injury.


4.     First Medical Report:

The doctor should complete the first medical report (W.Cl4 form), stating the severity of the injury and the estimated duration the employee will be off work.


5.     Claim Reporting:

The employer must report the claim to the Compensation Fund within 7 days of the injury.


6.     Progress/Final Medical Report:

Depending on the severity of the injury, the doctor may need to provide a progress medical report and/or a final medical report (WCl.5 form).


7.     Resumption Report:

Upon the employee's return to work, the employer should complete and submit the "Resumption report" (W.Cl6 form).Summary of Required Forms for Occupational Injury

The required forms for reporting an occupational injury, in order, are as follows:

WCI Form

Name of Form

Person to Complete the Form

W.Cl 2

Employer's report of accident

Employer (Part A) and medical practitioner/hospital (Part B)

W.Cl 3

Notice of accident


W.Cl 4

First medical report

Medical practitioner

W.Cl 5

Progress medical report

Medical practitioner

W.Cl 5

Final medical report

Medical practitioner

W.Cl 6

Resumption report


For easy reference, we have included the prescribed forms below:

W.Cl 2 - Employer's report of accident

W.Cl 3 - Notice of accident

W.Cl 4 - First medical report

W.Cl 5 - Progress medical report & Final medical report

W.Cl 6 - Resumption report


Additional Information

From the initial accident to reporting, claims processing, and rehabilitation, each step is crucial to ensuring that affected workers receive the necessary support and compensation. If an employee believes they have been injured at work or due to working conditions, a claim can be filed with the Compensation Commissioner.

The Commissioner will evaluate the claim against a schedule of common workplace injuries and diseases. The employee must provide documentation from approved medical practitioners to support the claim.

Various W.CI. referral forms need to be completed and submitted to the Compensation Commissioner, depending on whether the employee has experienced an occupational injury or disease. If the claim is successful, the employer is liable for compensation payments for the first three months from the date of the occupational injury.



For further information, please contact the Compensation Commissioner at:

·       Tel: 086 010 5350

·       Fax: (012) 326 1570 or (012) 357 1772

·       Compensation House, Cnr. Hamilton Street & Soutpansberg Road, Arcadia, 0001

·       PO Box 955, Pretoria, 0001

·       Email:

·       Website:

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