Employers and Legal Owners (Rent-a-Chairs and or Independent Contractors) within the Hairdressing, Cosmetology, and Beauty Industry are invited to a 5km Health and Business walk, hosted by the Employers’ Organisation for Hairdressing, Cosmetology, and Beauty (EOHCB) and supported by Move SA.
It is an opportunity for industry participants to network and converse with the fraternity of the EOHCB, whilst partaking in recharging and boosting activities for the mind and body. Families and friends, colleagues, and pets are also welcome.
As a collective, let’s address past, current, and future obstacles within Business and Employment and Labour, and discover the value that the EOHCB can add to your business. Business and Labour support are not only a call or email away, but also a 5km walk!
Please note: There are no additional or hidden obligations attached to this invitation other than to accept, arrive, and engage with the EOHCB.
Goodie bags will be provided.
See you there!
The EOHCB Team