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EOHCB National

Becoming an accredited training provider in the personal care sector is a crucial step for Skills development providers (SDPs) who want to offer quality training and services recognized by national standards. In South Africa, this process is governed by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) which is responsible for the accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs) to offer programmes and qualifications that fall under the Occupational Qualifications.  

Understanding Accreditation 

Accreditation is the formal recognition by a regulatory authority, like the QCTO, that an organisation meets the required standards to offer training and education services.


For Skills Development Providers (SDPs) in the personal care sector, accreditation ensures that your facility is authorized to provide credible training for learners that meets industry standards, leading to recognised qualifications.  

The Education, Training, and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) facilitates and promotes skills development in the Education, Training and Development (ETD) Sector.  Amongst others, this includes the accreditation and monitoring of Skills Development Providers, registration of assessors and moderators, external moderation of assessment results, and certification of learners. 

The collaboration between ETDQA and QCTO is essential for a cohesive quality assurance system. The ETDQA ensures that training providers deliver programs that meet the standards set by the QCTO, while the QCTO oversees the development and certification of qualifications. Together, they ensure that learners are equipped with skills and knowledge that are both relevant and of a high standard, contributing to the overall development of the workforce in South Africa. 

Implementation of occupational qualifications is supported by Subject Matter Experts (Facilitators, Assessors, Moderators, and workplace Mentors) with respect of Skills Development Providers. Subject Matter Experts have to ensure that they meet the requirements of each occupational qualification they are involved with. For this reason, the Services SETA is compiling a database of Subject Matter Experts for each of the sector’s registered occupational qualifications. 

Assessment Centres require the support of Assessors and Invigilators. These must also meet the requirements for registration on the database of Subject Matter Experts. Prospective SMEs must consult the curriculum document of each occupational qualification they wish to be involved with before applying for registration on the database. Subject Matter Experts are encouraged to apply for registration by sending an e-mail to:

Once accreditation is obtained by a Skills Development Provider within the Personal Care Services Sector, insure to register as a Subject Matter Expert with the Services SETA.  

 Steps to Register as an Accredited Training Provider: 

1. Understanding the Requirements 

According to Clause 7 of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, OCTO accreditation regulations, a Skills Development Training provider must demonstrate its ability to meet specific criteria. Any provider wishing to offer the knowledge and practical skills curriculum components of an occupational qualification must make an initial contact by telephone or email or download the application form from the QCTO website. 

The completed application form and all relevant Annexures must be forwarded to the QCTO as indicated in the application. Clause 7 of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 specifically outlines the need for alignment with the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the importance of quality assurance in training delivery.   

2. Prepare Your Application for accreditation to the QCTO: 

Any provider wishing to offer the knowledge and practical skills curriculum components of an occupational qualification must make an initial contact by telephone or email or download the application form from the QCTO website. 

The completed application form and all relevant Annexures must be forwarded to the QCTO as indicated in the application form. 

The QCTO sends a link to applicants to upload their compliance documents (1st Week of the Month) 

Your application must include detailed information about your facility, including the following:  

a) For institutional compliance 

The person/organisation /institution must: 

  1. Be a legal entity/juristic person established in terms of South African law at the time of seeking accreditation Possible evidence: Proof of registration; 

  2. Have a valid tax clearance certificate issued by SARS if applicable; 

  3. Provide proof of financial sustainability for the learning services applied for and throughout the accreditation period; Possible evidence: audited financial statements, financial surety, business plan, if applicable; 

  4. Have a valid Occupational Health and Safety certificate/audit report 

  5. Provide evidence of appropriate Facilitator's qualified human resource/s to deliver the qualifications; Possible evidence: CVs and qualifications 

  6. CPIC registration document (N/A Public institution) - EMIS No 

  7. MoU/SLA for Workplace Experience 

  8. Learning Material Matrix  

  9. Proof of ownership/lease agreement 


b) For programme delivery readiness 

The person/organization /institution must: 

  1. Provide evidence of suitable qualified staff to facilitate learning; Possible evidence: Comprehensive CV and certified copies of ID qualifications; 

  2. Demonstrate that it has administrative resources for data capturing tools, information, and learner records and results across the knowledge and practical skills curriculum components; 

  3. Be in possession of the required resources, tools, equipment, machinery, material, protective clothing; 

  4. Provide evidence of Learner Support Material(LMS) to offer the relevant component/s of the occupational qualifications; 

  5. Must have an agreement/s with workplace/s for the delivery of work experience components of the relevant qualification; 

  6. Meet the relevant standards for occupational health and safety if applicable; 

  7. Adhere to any monitoring and evaluation activities as prescribed by the QCTO.  


3. Monitor Your Application 

After submission, you will be kept updated on the status of your application through the Email by QCTO. QCTO may request additional information or documentation, so it’s important to regularly check your emails for updates. The QCTO accreditation team does a desktop evaluation of provider applications. This process proceeds as follows.  

The Submitted evaluation report goes to the QCTO accreditation team/committee 

• If the outcome of the review is unfavourable, the provider will be notified regarding any outstanding document or information and be required to address it with immediate effect. 

• If the outcome of the review is favourable, the provider will be notified. 


4. Undergo Evaluation 

Once your application is reviewed, QCTO will conduct a site visit to evaluate your facilities and will arrange for Expert Practitioners/evaluators who will conduct this inspection. This step is crucial to ensure that your facility meets the standards outlined in Clause 7 of the accreditation regulations.  

Programme delivery readiness - CEPs/evaluators site visit: 

  1. The SDP applicant is informed about the Accreditation site visit date. 

  2. Site visit conducted by the Expert Practitioners/evaluators. 

  3. Expert Practitioners/evaluators compile an evaluation report & send it to the QCTO.


5. Out Come of Application / Accreditation; 

QCTO accreditation committee considers the evaluation report from the Expert Practitioners/evaluators. 

  1. QCTO communicates accreditation outcome through a formal letter to the SDP Applicant 

  2. Accredited SDP information will be uploaded on the QCTO website. 

If your facility meets all the requirements, you will be granted accreditation. This accreditation must be renewed periodically, and you will be required to maintain the standards set by the QCTO. 

Should the SDP applicant be not satisfied with the accreditation outcome, they may appeal to the QCTO in writing in terms of the Complaints and Appeals procedure. 

Valuation of Accreditation Applications may take up to 90 Days turnaround time. 


6. Registering a Learner and Submitting Your Application via LMIS: 

Once accreditation has been obtained, the Training provider will need to register the learner/learners via the Learning Management Information System (LMIS) Portal.

The Learning Management Information System (LMIS) is the platform used by Services SETA for all accreditation applications. To submit your application: 

  • Visit the [Services SETA LMIS Portal] (

  • Register your organisation if you haven’t already done so. This requires creating an account and providing basic details about your business. 

  • Complete the online application form, ensuring you upload all required documents, including your company profile, training program details, trainer qualifications, and evidence of adequate facilities. 

  • Pay the required application fee as instructed on the portal. 

SDPs must accurately register learners on LMIS within 30 working days of the commencement of training. 


Benefits of Accreditation 

Achieving accreditation not only enhances the credibility of your facility but also opens doors to various opportunities, including access to government funding, partnerships with other accredited institutions, and increased trust among potential clients and trainees. 

By following the steps outlined above and ensuring compliance with accreditation regulations, you can successfully register as an accredited skills training provider facility in the personal care sector. This accreditation will position your business as a leader in delivering quality education and training, contributing to the overall development of the industry. 


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